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Another bit of my life

So, this is the first non walk based blog. I’m a practising (No, I’ve not got it right yet) Christian and a steward at my local Methodist Church (No, it’s not a temperance church and yes I do like a glass of wine/beer/gin/brandy).

As a steward, I’m part of the Leadership Team and we’ve been taking some flack recently. We’ve come in for some pretty severe criticism from a small number of church members over how we have encouraged or not volunteers in part of the church’s work. It’s been pretty hurtful and has had ramifications beyond the area in question. Thankfully, most of the church membership is unaware of the dispute and also, the Leadership Team are happy that they have dealt with the issues correctly and have been supported by the upper echelons of the Church leadership locally. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees!

It would be really easy to say, “Sod it!” and just walk away from this but what message does that send out? We’ve discussed the situation endlessly, prayed about it and taken advice and we are happy that we have dealt with the situation correctly.

I once heard a speaker in a seminar suggest that we stop worrying after we’ve made a decision, because if we have prayed about the situation and taken advice from other Christians, why wouldn’t it be the correct decision and that really encouraged me.

I dare say some of you guys reading this aren’t Christians and are now thinking, see, they’re no better than us! They fall out and can’t agree over stuff, just like non-Christians. Well, you’re right. We are just like you, but have a faith. We’re not and never will be perfect, but we strive to be better tomorrow than we are today.

I’m really not sure what effect The Camino will have on me or my faith and I think that is one of the reasons I want to do it. That and the idea of a sort of travelling community of more or less like minded people. I just hope that I don’t get involved in any similar disagreements while on pilgrimage because walking away really isn’t an answer then, is it. 

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