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The final Piece of the Jigsaw

Got the last 2 pieces of the travel jigsaw sorted. Southport to London and Paris to Irun (Northern Spain). It’s 234 miles approx from Southport to London and 500 miles approx from Paris to Irun, and guess what? The English bit of the journey is going to cost almost exactly twice as much as the French part, which is more than twice as far!  It will be interesting to compare Virgin with the TGV.
So we’re now totally committed. We just have to decide where to start the walk from now. Logrono is still favourite. It feels like it’s suddenly come much closer.
We have a few days in the Lake District  next week, and the weather forecast looks OK. Looking forward to getting a bit of walking in, after a pretty sedentary few weeks, due to the dreadful weather and loads of work……. NOT complaining Martin!

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