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Trial Packing

Just 7 weeks to go. Settled on Logrono as the start point and booked a hotel, so we can stop wondering if that’s the right decision now!
I did a trial pack last week and the pack weighed in at 10.5kg (TOO MUCH!!). We did a 20km circuit at Rivington on Easter Monday and I carried a smidgin under 10kg (STILL TOO MUCH!!). So this afternoon I have re thought what to take and got down to just over 8kg (MUCH BETTER). Heather however was still carrying a bit too much, so we took the sleeping bag that Heather was carrying out of her pack and put it in mine. I now have just over 9kg (OK) and she is carrying 7 and a bit (ALSO OK). We are both now trying to work out if we’ve forgotten anything.
I’ve gone back to reading the Camino blogs after getting fed up with po-faced Americans and (strangely) Aussies and New Zealanders. They are all still there. I’m slightly concerned that 4-5 weeks in the company of Trump supporting yanks might be too much for my equilibrium. I’ll try to stay chilled.

Our hotel/hostel in Logrono.

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