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Back in France at last!

We are finally back in France. Brittany to be precise, and we have found that we love it just as much as we always have. It’s a bit cloudy this morning with a threat of a little rain, so, Heather’s painting and I’m blogging again. (At last ! I hear you all cry).

Travelled down on Tuesday/Wednesday via Portsmouth-Caen and it was a nice easy drive which we split. We have to decide whether the poor night’s sleep on the ferry was worse than having to use the M25.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday were hot and sunny. Did a bit of orientation, found a lovely beach and explored Quimper which is a really nice town on the River Odet.
I’m trying to understand why I feel so at home here. We have a small gite on a farm about 10 minutes from the nearest town of Rosporden. It’s very quiet apart from birdsong. We found the local Super U yesterday so we have everything we need within 10 minutes drive. There is a lack of local restaurants so we are mainly self catering except for the occasional lunch out.
May go out somewhere after lunch or just stay here and chill. Biggest problem on the horizon is what to have with the pile of scallops we got yesterday.

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