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Party Time!


Splendid party with old friends yesterday. We compared medications, illnesses, discussed the medications and illnesses of people who weren’t there. We solved some of the world’s problems, but not many. I managed to avoid any political discussions at all (as far as I can remember anyway) probably due to the fact I was driving so on 0.0% Peroni. As an aside, the beer was really quite nice and actually tasted like beer, but not as nice as the one small glass of red wine I had with some excellent food.

As the evening carried on a few people left and the conversation became a bit like the fabled 4th verse of Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days” ( Spoiler Alert!: There’s only 3) “When I feel like crying, I start laughing, thinkin’ ’bout…………… Glory Days”

Just goes to show that there is no substitute for shared experience in friendships. Over the years the guests at the party have done a load of daft, dangerous, stupid, borderline illegal stuff, a lot stuff that you wouldn’t get away with nowadays, (Children in Need night at The Scarisbrick anyone?).

We sort of drifted away on the back of our financial problems around 2009, but stayed loosely in touch through work.

It’s been fabulous to reconnect with them. Thanks very, very much to David and Julie for twice providing the venue to enable us to reconnect.

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