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A Day in the Life x 2

Went for a walk yesterday by the Lac de Guerledan, lovely spot, hard walk and we got rained on while eating our butties!
Very grey today and with intermittent drizzle, so we wnt to a local market to stock up on fruit, cheese etc and then came home for lunch. We decided on a rest day, so Heather did some painting:

I’ve started reading Raynor Winn’s second book, The Wild Silence, again, so got a good 2 hour session with Raynor and Moth in the months leading up to th publication of The Salt Path. If you haven’t read this, you rally should. It’s one of my all time favourites dspit the fact that some of it is quite harrowing.

I found the following bit quite affecting:
The sky turned to night as the group moved around, talking, singing, drinking, their faces lit by the firelight from wood they’d carried up the mountain. Our lives, life, death, the movement of molecules from wood to air, it had all become one. Moth’s lights were slowly going out, there was no denying that, but the electrical charges in his brain were finding their own route, making new pathways. For now there was still enough power in his cells for them to keep searching and all we could do was to help them on their way. All we are is an electrical charge, no more than a mass of particles, matter, antimatter, mass and energy. No different to a blade of grass or a spark from the flames, just energy moving in a never-ending flux. While Moth’s lights were still shining we would celebrate every one of them and keep each burning in his night sky for as long as we could.

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