So, I had this bright idea. I thought I’ll take a series of photos of the big chestnut tree at Lytham Hall over a number of weeks to illustrate the onset of autumn and then winter. The original idea was for 1 a week. The first (Autumn on the way) was published on October 10th and this, three and a bit weeks later is the second. If you compare the 2 images, the second is definitely showing more signs of autumn colours, but the top is a right mess. I don’t know whether the tree has caught something, or if the very strong winds of last weekend are to blame, but it has stopped being photogenic. I now have huge sympathy for David Attenborough as he waits patiently for mother nature to do her thing and provide him with pictures of female spiders eating their mates after sex or a pride of lions dismemberring a wildebeeste. I had a nice walk though, so not a complete waste.