Another beautiful day today, so we took ourselves off to Clitheroe for lunch. If you haven’t been, and I’m sure most of you have, its a lovely little town with loads of independent shops like D. Byrne and Co Fine Wines, Cowman’s Famous Sausage Shop, Maxwell’s Cafe down by the railway station and The Emporium at the other end of town. Too many to list really.
The market at the station end of town was buzzing today. We bought cheese, and then sautered through town via Seasons Dress Shop (Got Heather’s birthday prezzie…… Gold Star!!) to arrive at Bowland Food Hall at Holmes Mill for lunch. We opted for the Food Hall rather than the Brewery cos it’s more middle class and you get a much better behaved bunch of midday boozers. We had a rather nice glass of Malbec each (Pablo y Walter, Argentinian) and a light(ish) lunch.

I tried to buy a bottle of the Malbec, only to be informed that it was £18.95 a bottle! I passed (out). Picked up a couple of bottles of Merlot at the aforementioned wine shop on the way back to the car which were considerably cheaper.
This trip got me thinking of all the excellent meals that I and my family have had in the Ribble Valley. There’s a hotel on the site as well as Bowland Brewery and Bowland Food Hall. Hmmmmmmm