For those of you who don’t see my Facebook posts or aren’t part of various WhatsApp groups of which I’m a member, in January 2025 I’m taking on the Run the Month Marathon Edition for Prostate Cancer. Unfortunately, I won’t be running this, but I will be walking quite briskly and I’m aiming to do as great a distance as I am able, rather than just the 26.2 miles.
I have a Just Giving Page if you would like to help me raise money for research into Prostate Cancer
Those of you who have followed the blog will know that I’m on various medications to delay the spread of my cancer and I’m sure many of you will have seen the programme on TV that Chris Hoy did.
Chris Hoy chose to describe his experiences as a battle. I prefer a quote from one of my favourite footballers, Gianlucca Vialli, who died from pancreatic cancer. He said: “I could not battle against cancer, because I think it is a far stronger opponent than I am,” he told RAI Sport.
“I consider cancer to be a travelling companion, albeit an unwanted one that got on the train and sat by my side, and we’ll carry on together for as long as needs be.
“Hopefully, it’ll eventually get tired and go away.”
I know mine won’t go away, but hopefully we’ll go to some exciting places over the next few years. Vialli and Mancini at Sampdoria were different class. Anyone else remember Serie A on Channel 4 on a Sunday afternoon?