Headlights on Crocs!!!! Who Knew?????
When I had my first consultation with my oncology consultant at Clatterbridge, I asked her for a prognosis and she wouldn’t give me more than 5 years. My immediate reaction was that I had far too much still to do to fit it all into 5 years. This was in August 2019. Therefore 2025 is my first Bonus Year!!

We’ve had a superb Christmas and New Year with the family in Cumbria, with a full complement of them over the weekend of the 28th. I would like to thank them all for putting up with the two oldies.
Prostate Cancer Walks
I had my first walk planned for Jan 1st from Stainton to Pooley Bridge and back along the River Eamont. Unfortunately the weather was so wet that the riverside paths were flooded, so I only managed a short road walk.

Yesterday, Jan 3rd, I had my cataract op, so it remains to be seen how much walking I get done over the next few days, but I’m still confident of exceding the 26 mile target for January. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the Just Giving page. If you would like to donate, please go to This Page.
Following on from the cataract op, I can’t drive for 2 weeks, so my walks will be around Lytham, but hopefully I will be able to go a bit further afield after this.
Here’s wishing everyone All the Best for 2025!