It’s 10 days since I last blogged, and, while I would love to say I’ve been walking every day, actually, due to a combination of tired knee, horrible weather and work (yes, I’m still doing a bit), I’m falling behind the ultimate target. I was hoping to get the double marathon distance done this week and then get to a triple marathon next week, but that looks unattainable now.
Thanks to everyone who has donated to Prostate Cancer UK, it’s made the walking very worthwhile. If anyone would like to donate, the Just Giving page is HERE

On the more positive side, I’m feeling great which I think can safely be credited to increasing the amount of walking I’m doing and so I’m hoping to continue this level of exercise throughout the rest of the year. I’ve been walking mostly on my own, but last Monday a very good friend and I did a 9 and a bit mile walk around Rivington and White Coppice which was great despite the weather being a bit gloomy. Hopefully, next Friday, 3 or 4 of us are heading for the Alpine hotspot of Darwen for a well earned rag pudding lunch at the Black Bull at Edgworth. This should bring my total mileage up to round about 60 miles for the month. This is less than I hoped but a lot more than normal.
Regarding work, I met up with Master Lock and Safe on Tuesday last and finalised some stuff and in 9 weeks (ish) I will be totally retired. HURRAY!!! But obviously no more wages BOO!!!
On the medical front, my latest PSA result was 1.77. This has gone up slightly, as expected, but the rate of increase has actually slowed, which is good news.
When Heather and I did the Camino back in 2016, we met quite a lot of Americans who were all really nice people, so how can the USA possibly have elected this clown Trump, not once, but twice. It’s unbelievable. I am relieved that my football team are doing so well at the moment as it allows me to ignore the actual news on TV and in the papers and focus on some good news instead.
Is it only me that wonders what the answer would be if a politician asked the country whether they would prefer us to spend gazillions of pounds on nuclear subs, aircraft carriers etc or on fixing the NHS? It seems to me that, as a small country with a faltering economy we can’t do both and I know which I would prefer us to spend money on.
I could also comment on how poor it looks for our Chancellor to be in China and our PM in Saudi Arabia essentially begging for money, so soon after we cut ouselves off from our biggest trading partner, but I won’t because I’m trying to keep the blog inclusive