If you have read my blog fairly regularly, you will know that I am always banging on about how grateful I am to the NHS for keeping me going despite my various medical conditions. Well my dear wife and I now have another reason for gratitude.
Unfortunately, just over a week ago, Heather had a fall in Grasmere which resulted in severe bruising to her face, several stitches in her lip and a badly bruised knee. This led to the calling of an ambulance, a trip to Kendal Minor Injuries Unit and finally a trip to the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. We were back in Lancaster on Friday last for the removal of stitches, a check up and a precautionary x-ray and we have to go back in 2 weeks for the results of the x-ray.
No, we didn’t get in to see anyone straight away, but the staff were all friendly, caring and helpful and looked after Heather extremely well.
We would love to thank several tourists in Grasmere who helped me get Heather up off the road and into Grasmere church. Unfortunately we never learned their names so we can’t thank them personally. We would also like to thank St. Oswalds Church in Grasmere for leaving their heating on, which enabled us both to stay out of what was a bitingly cold wind. We would particularly like to thank Becky from the Grasmere Gather (I think) for the loan of the chair and the blanket. You really were a star. When we are back in Grasmere we’ll pop in for a coffee, but we will probably park next to the gallery rather than walk past the church again.
We came back from Lancaster on Friday for a much anticipated chippy tea, pretty much Heather’s first ‘proper’ meal for a week.
We went out for our first walk since the accident yesterday. We had a gentle stroll in the sunshine around Fairhaven Lake.
The bruising is gradually fading and Heather is hoping to be out at a Church housegroup meeting on Wednesday.
Thanks to everyone who has sent good wishes and visited and thanks particularly, once again, to the NHS, probably my favourite bit of the UK ( possibly except for the Lake District).
Thank you so much and I am so glad you are on the mend, wishing you continued speedy recovery.
Take care and look forward to seeing you soon.
Albeit you didn’t want a fall you did make me think its time to refresh my first aid skills, I’m booked on a mountain leaders First Aid Course.
Thanks again