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Thanks and Goodbye to Royal Lancaster Infirmary.

Following on from my last post concerning Heather and her accident in Grasmere, I thought I would update everyone regarding her injuries.

Heather was discharged from out-patients today. The x-rays showed no breaks to her facial bones and it’s just a question of waiting until some bits of scar tissue heal up completely. Once again we both have to thank the staff at Kendal, Lancaster and the paramedics who looked after her in Grasmere for their brilliant care.

The picture at the top of the page was taken today (March 7th), the one to the left was taken on Feb 26th, 2 weeks after the accident. We didn’t take one immediately after the fall as it was too horrible!

P.S. I did ask permission to use this photo.

Thanks for all the good wishes. It’s great to have Heather almost completely recovered.

I have a special treat for those of you in the USA. You know how we English go on about how you don’t spell or pronounce things correctly. Well this sign was by the side of the road as we drove into Lancaster this morning.

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