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Me? I’m Just a random angry old bloke!

In 2016 my wife and I did 600+km on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela and I kept a blog on Unfortunately, having not posted for a while, I went back to it to post and found that everything after our third night on the walk had been lost. For some reason which I’m not really clear about, this encouraged me to start blogging again. I stop and start with the blog but I am currently on a roll. I’ll post links on my Facebook page and hopefully some people with nothing better to do might read it. If not it will become my diary and my children can publish it to great acclaim when I’m no longer here!

My Anchor
Chillout time in the Dog & Gun Keswick
Long ago in a galaxy far, far away

I am now 73 years of age and I am one of the 1 in 8 guys who have prostate cancer, which is, happily, being successfully controlled. My wife Heather and I are also heading towards (Aug 26th) our Golden Wedding Anniversary. We started celebrating in May with Bruce Springsteen and finish in November with Bellowhead.

 I’m trying to make this blog into a regularly updated thing, something I’ve never managed in the past because I get bored!

Read on. Comments would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I will be like an old guy, standing on a street corner, shouting into the wind!

old guy, standing on a street corner, shouting into the wind!

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