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Diary of a Madman – (Ref: O. Osbourne)

If anyone is actually keeping up with this blog, you may remember that a while ago I discovered a load of blog posts had gone missing, including the majority of my Camino posts from 2016. I’ve actually found links to them in Facebook posts, but the links just lead to messages telling me the posts don’t exist. I’m using the Blogger forums to see if the posts can be traced but I’m not hopeful.

Anyway, as I’ve been a bit fed up with the Blogger platform for a while, I decided to swap to WordPress, hence the sparkly new blog. Transferring the blog was a piece of cake and, with the aid of a plug-in in WordPress, if you try to use the blog’s old address, you will be redirected to the new site, which is .

Thankfully, all my photos from the Camino are on my computer, on the cloud and on an external hard drive so they should be impossible to lose!

Heather and I with 100km to go to Santiago on or about June 12th 2016

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